Success Stories

SFC Kille



SFC Kille
Match Date
Jun 2010
Their Story

SFC Kille is a three-time Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) Veteran. Due to multiple explosions that have left him with limited memory (TBI), limited social abilities/ anxiety in public (hyper awareness) and uncontrollable spurts of anger (PTSD), SFC Kille knew that a loving pet would help him in significantly reducing these symptoms.

QB is an eight-month old Hound/Shepherd mix that came to the League from a shelter in West Virginia.

I knew that having a pet that is always by my side would help me in dealing with the changes I would like to make, e.g., being able to go places by myself without having to take a family member. My goal is to be "normal" as possible again and I know QB will do this for me.

SFC Kille