SSGT Fasnacht is a Combat Engineer residing at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC). He was Afghanistan conducting Route Clearence when his vehicle was struck by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) (his second time that day). He sustained injuries of broken ankles (both of them), two compression fractures to his spine, Pre and Post-Blast Amnesia, shrapnel laceration to upper lip and many more.
Sissy is a pit bull mix who was picked up roaming the streets of the North East region of Washington, D.C. and brought to a local area shelter to spend time to heal herself and now SSGT Fasnacht while he is a patient at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
I have to tell ya...this has been the best time I've had in a very long time. My wife and son are even excited to be out of Walter Reed to spend time with this awesome dog! I cannot explain how great it feels to focus on something else besides my therapy and my injuries while going through some pretty tough rehab.